前回の おみくじ をベースにして、はじの方が好きな有名キャラクターとZ君でおみくじを作りました。
// ESC 7 n1 n2 n3 Setting Control Parameter Command
// n1 = "max heating dots" 0-255 -- max number of thermal print head
// elements that will fire simultaneously. Units = 8 dots (minus 1).
// Printer default is 7 (64 dots, or 1/6 of 384-dot width), this code
// sets it to 11 (96 dots, or 1/4 of width).
// n2 = "heating time" 3-255 -- duration that heating dots are fired.
// Units = 10 us. Printer default is 80 (800 us), this code sets it
// to value passed (default 120, or 1.2 ms -- a little longer than
// the default because we've increased the max heating dots).
// n3 = "heating interval" 0-255 -- recovery time between groups of
// heating dots on line; possibly a function of power supply.
// Units = 10 us. Printer default is 2 (20 us), this code sets it
// to 40 (throttled back due to 2A supply).
// More heating dots = more peak current, but faster printing speed.
// More heating time = darker print, but slower printing speed and
// possibly paper 'stiction'. More heating interval = clearer print,
// but slower printing speed.
Adafruit_Thermal.hの131行目付近 begin(uint8_t heatTime=120),→begin(uint8_t heatTime=170),
Adafruit_Thermal.cppの201行目付近 writeBytes(11, heatTime, 40);→writeBytes(3, heatTime, 30);